Friday, January 1, 2010

Project 365

I've seen others do this before and decided to give it a try this year. I take pictures all the time but will go days and days without uploading them from my camera and will go even longer between posts so hopefully this will kick my butt into gear. :) And since I'm too lazy to start a separate blog, I'm just going to post them all here.

Today we've had a pajama day. We all pretty much hung out and played Guitar Hero which was the family gift this Christmas. We got the whole band kit so every one's been taking turns playing the guitar or drums and singing. Actually, that's what we did last night, too. LOL

Anyway, when I finally got my camera out today Mia was on the drums (sort of) and Jesse was playing guitar.
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On a side note, my older daughter, Claudia has also decided to try to post 365 pictures this year so I helped her set up a blog that you can find here. I also made a blog for Ethan to post pictures that while he may not be able to do the full 365 since he's at his mom's during the week, he can still try to post on the weekends and that one is here.


Shannon January 3, 2010 at 1:46 PM  

I will do this too someday... not now... but someday. It is a great idea! Good luck!

About Me

My photo
I'm a SAHM that loves photography. My kids are my main models but they're on to me and have started running in the opposite direction of me and my camera. Well, all but the youngest. She's a ham. To compensate I take pictures of just about everything else from flowers and bugs, to landscapes and anything else that will sit still. And I share it all here because I might as well do something with it. :)

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