Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

Well, so far I've actually blogged two days in a row. I think that's almost a record for me. Today I helped the kids reorganize all their closets and shelves and toys to make room for all the new stuff they got for Christmas.

I try to purge before Christmas every year but still find myself going through it again afterwards. I think they get too much stuff.

This evening while I cooked dinner the kids played Kids Trivial pursuit.
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By the time the kids went to bed, I was exhausted. I'd have enough of craziness and noise so now I'm sitting here with a nice glass of red wine, enjoying the peace.


About Me

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I'm a SAHM that loves photography. My kids are my main models but they're on to me and have started running in the opposite direction of me and my camera. Well, all but the youngest. She's a ham. To compensate I take pictures of just about everything else from flowers and bugs, to landscapes and anything else that will sit still. And I share it all here because I might as well do something with it. :)

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