Friday, August 7, 2009

Between Storms

A few nights ago in the early evening we had a few rounds of thunderstorms come through. We were just hanging out at home listening to the thunder and rain pouring down. There was a break in between storms when I looked out the window and noticed a rainbow right over our neighborhood. Of course I grabbed my camera and ran outside.

I had to hop in my minivan because it was still raining a little bit and the next storm was rapidly approaching. I'm not a fan of electrocution, you see.

I was able to get a couple shots, one faintly showing the second rainbow above the main one. My only regret was that I didn't take the time to grab my wide angle lens so I couldn't get the whole rainbow in the frame.




Shannon August 10, 2009 at 12:46 AM  

beautiful! I just LOVE rainbows!
I had one of those "wish I woulda" moments while camping over the weekend...

About Me

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I'm a SAHM that loves photography. My kids are my main models but they're on to me and have started running in the opposite direction of me and my camera. Well, all but the youngest. She's a ham. To compensate I take pictures of just about everything else from flowers and bugs, to landscapes and anything else that will sit still. And I share it all here because I might as well do something with it. :)

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